The City of Winfield has now been mandated by WV Department of Environmental Protection to develop a Stormwater Discharge Progam. We are asking all citizens to review the new Ordinance and familiarize themselves with their responsibilities in preventing damage to our local waterways. For example, please ensure that you do not blow your grass clippings onto the street where rain can wash them into the storm drains. Please be sure to keep trash picked up and not allow grease, oil or petroleum products, chemicals or fertilizers to enter the watershed. For contractors, they will need to ensure that silt fence is installed to prevent erosion into the storm drains, and to have good housekeeping practices to ensure all trash is picked up and that any chemicals do not enter the stormwater system. If we all work together, we can keep our waterways clean and safe.
If you have any questions or need advice regarding our Stormwater Discharge Program, please call the hotline.
Stormwater Hotline
(Report spills/leaks/illicit discharge)